[ZP] Extra Item: Gauss
[ZP] Extra Item: Gauss
(for Humans Only)
(for Humans Only)
</*> Description:
- An item for Zombie Plague that lets you add a new weapon in Extra Items (replacing the AWP), the Gauss.
</*> Features:
- When you Shoot a Zombie, this is instantly Annihilate. Let's say it's like a Nuclear Weapon for example.
- Aditional Weapon Model.
- Some effects added to Kill.
- Customizable fire rates
- Aditional Weapon Model.
- Some effects added to Kill.
- Customizable fire rates
</*> Cvars:
- zp_gauss_enable
- zp_gauss_enable_ishield
- zp_gauss_buy_before_modestart
- zp_gauss_ap_for_kill
- zp_gauss_oneround
- zp_gauss_nemesis_immune
- zp_gauss_explosive_bullets
- zp_gauss_bloodstyle
- zp_gauss_particles
- zp_gauss_primattack_rate
- Enable/Disable this Extra Item
- <Default = 1>
- zp_gauss_enable_ishield
- Enable/Disable the Gauss Immunity Shield
- Info: This is an Item for Zombies, then makes immune to the Gauss shots.
- <Default = 1>
- zp_gauss_buy_before_modestart
- Gauss Weapon can be buyed before mode start
- <Default = 0>
- zp_gauss_ap_for_kill
- Reward killing Zombies
- <Default = 2>
- zp_gauss_oneround
- Gauss Weapon only for one round
- <Default = 1>
- zp_gauss_nemesis_immune
- Nemesis is immune to Gauss shots
- <Default = 1>
- zp_gauss_explosive_bullets
- Gauss Weapon makes an Explosive effect
- <Default = 1>
- zp_gauss_bloodstyle
- Blood style for each kill
- 1 = Blood Spurt (little particles of blood)
- 2 = Blood Stream (a lot of blood)
- 3 = 1 & 2
- <Default = 3>
- zp_gauss_particles
- Good particles effect for each kill
- <Default = 1>
- zp_gauss_primattack_rate
- Gauss Weapon fire rate
- Float (decimals)
- <Default = 2.0>
</*> Screenshots:
- Killing a Zombie: http://img230.imageshack.us/i/zpextragausszmkill.jpg/
- Nemesis can't be Killed: http://img96.imageshack.us/i/zpextragaussnemkill.jpg/
- Nemesis can't be Killed: http://img96.imageshack.us/i/zpextragaussnemkill.jpg/
</*> Credits:
- TehSnake / GSC: For his Gauss Model. Although not Know, I like them credit because they created the Model.
</*> External:
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R Gauss Video: The Real Weapon
</*> Comments:
- Well, this is my first plugin, I hope you enjoy. Also, I would say that my English is not very good, some bad word written warning to correct me. Any suggestion are welcome.
</*> Changelog:
- v0.1: First Release. - v0.2: Some Bugs Fixed. - v0.3: Added particle effects & More Cvars. - v0.4: Plugin Optimization, thanks to IneedHelp. - v0.6: Plugin re-created from 0, added Gauss Immunity Shield, fixed Nemesis Bug, fixed Damage reward Bug, added more cvars, added custom Death msg, and a lot of more
Have Fun!
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v0.4: 4420 views
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